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Các biểu ghi của bộ sưu tập (Sắp xếp bởi Ngày gửi theo thứ tự Giảm dần): 21 tới 40 của 78
Năm xuất bản Nhan đềTác giả
2007Digital design using VHDL : 2nd ed.Roth, Charles H.; John, Lizy K.
2001Principles and applications of electrical engineering : 3rd ed.Rizzoni, Giorgio
2014Fundamentals of automotive and engine technology : standard drives, hybrid drives, brakes, safety systemsReif, Konrad
2013Computational electromagneticsBondeson, A.; Ingelström, Pär; Rylander, Thomas
2017Principles of instrumental analysis : 7th ed.Skoog, Douglas A; Holler, F. James; West, Donald M.; Nieman, Timothy A.
2013Fundamental elements of applied superconductivity in electrical engineeringWang, Yinshun
2008Fundamentals of electric circuits : 4th ed.Alexander, Charles K.; Sadiku, Matthew N. O.
2008Location systems : an introduction to the technology behind location awarenessLaMarca, Anthony; Lara, Eyal de
2013Electrical engineering : principles and applications : 6th ed.Hambley, Allan R.; Kumar, N.; Kulkarni, Ashish R.
2016Robust Observer-Based Fault Diagnosis for Nonlinear Systems Using MATLAB®Zhang, Jian
2003Principles and applications of electrical engineering : 4th ed.Rizzoni, Giorgio; Kearns, James
2003Electrical measurement, signal processing, and displaysWebster, John G.
2011Electrical engineering : principles and applications : 5th ed.Hambley, Allan R; Kumar, N.; Kulkarni, Ashish R.
1993Fundamentals of electronic imaging systems : some aspects of image processing : 3rd ed.Schreiber, William F.
2006Fundamentals of spatial data qualityDevillers, Rodolphe; Jeansoulin, Robert
2014Automation, production systems, and computer integrated manufacturing : 4th ed.Groover, Mikell P.
2013Multimedia and ubiquitous engineering : MUE 2013Park, James J.; Chen, Shu-Ching; Gil, Joon-Min
2008Numerical simulation of waves and fronts in inhomogeneous solidsBerezovski, Arkadi; Engelbrecht, Jüri; Maugin, G. A.
2009Fluid dynamics : theory, computation, and numerical simulation : 2nd ed.Pozrikidis, C. (Constantine)
2007Reactive flows, diffusion and transport : from experiments via mathematical modeling to numerical simulation and optimization : final report of SFB (Collaborative Research Center) 359Jäger, W.; Rannacher, Rolf; Warnatz, J.
Các biểu ghi của bộ sưu tập (Sắp xếp bởi Ngày gửi theo thứ tự Giảm dần): 21 tới 40 của 78